Personal information
In order for you to enter into an agreement with us via the website, you must register with the following personal information: Name, Address, Phone Number & Email Address
We collect your personal data for the purpose of delivering the goods to you and providing the best possible service in the future. The personal data is registered with Coffee Beanies and kept for 5 years (according to the accounting law). After that the data will be deleted. When personal data is collected via our website, we ensure that this is always done with your explicit consent, so that you are informed of exactly what data is being collected and why.
If you pay by credit card, we have protected the data transported over the web in connection with the purchase using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption.
Neither Coffee Beanies nor anyone else has the ability to view the data. As long as you're browsing our site for great deals and delicious products, there's no encryption, but when you're about to enter your payment details, credit card number, expiry date, etc., you're entering a so-called "secure" area. In the secure area, the information is encrypted and your details are thus protected.
Coffee Beanies will not receive any information about your credit card number and/or expiry date, but will be notified that an amount has been reserved for Coffee Beanies for later transfer once we have processed your order.